Compiling the kernel

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Second, I tried to compile the kernel. (just compile, no execute.)

  1. I ftp'd the kernel source "sys.tar.gz" and the "config" source from NetBSD-current at [Feb & Mar 96]
  2. I extracted the file into an appropriate directory(in my case, /usr/src/), then executed,
    cd /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/conf
    config GENERIC
    As I commented out the part of the linking , I executed,
    cd /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/compile/GENERIC
    cp -r /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/include .
    mv include machine
    cp -r /usr/src/sys/arch/m68k/include .
    mv include m68k
  3. I made a little change in the Makefile. (in the /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68/compile/GENERIC directory) Because "genassym" must run under MacMiNT, I changed that part like below.
    genassym: genassym.o
    	env GNULIB=/r/DUO230/MiNTSys/usr/lib \
    	GCCEXEC=/r/DUO230/MiNTSys/usr/bin/gcc- \
    	gcc -o $@ genassym.o
    genassym.o: ${MAC68K}/mac68k/genassym.c
    	env GCCEXEC=/r/DUO230/MiNTSys/usr/bin/gcc- \
    	gcc ${CPPFLAGS} ${PROF} ${PARAM} -c $<
    And, I replaced "%p" to "0x%x" of printf in genassym.c. Also, I commented out "SYSTEM_LD_TAIL" in the Makefile, for I did not compile "size" nor "strip".
  4. Then, I ran "make depend". It took 2 or 3 hours. the file ".depend" were generated.
  5. There were problem while making kern library. Somehow, the ".PATH" in Makefile (in /usr/src/sys/lib/libkern) dose not work correctly. I copied the sources into the working directory for solution. Another problem occured when I try to execute "make" more than twice. The command "mkdir" failed with "file not found" error. I must change the (in /usr/src/sys/lib/libkern) not to fail like below.
    __always_make_kernlib:	.NOTMAIN
    	@mkdir -p ${KERNDST} || true
    These problems also happened while making compat library. I just fixed it up in the same way.
  6. Finally, I ran "make". I must wait 3 or 4 hous until it finished compiling. After that, yes, there was the file "netbsd"! It was about 860K bytes. [Mar 96]

There is a document for re-compiling the NetBSD/mac68k kernel here at puma.